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October so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19763
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3050

1st October 2024
Windsurfing: Levington
Wind Direction: W
Wind Stength: 10/25
Surf / Sea State: river chop and smooth
Air Temperature: 14
Sea Temperature:
Weather: cloudy
Max Speed: 20.92 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 27.50 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Tuesday 1st October – Windsurf **** River Orwell at Levington – cloudy.

Foil – 20.92 knot max, 19.31 knot ave, 9.91 knot hour, 18.06 knot mile (year PB), 44.27 km., 15.65 knot alpha.

Starboard Freeride 150 and a Evolution Slalom foil with a Tushingham Storm 5.2.

What a good way to start a new month, the weather was not great but at least the rain did not arrive until late afternoon:) With 20 knots from the west forecast Levington was the go to venue, with high tide at 11.40 you could pretty much sail all day but being a Tuesday we visit an old friend in the afternoon for a cuppa and chat so I was keen to get the sailing down in the morning! I had a quick breakfast and set off for the marina at 8.30 and although very grey the rain was absent. They are working on some large pipes in our parking area but I had no problem parking and with a good breeze blowing I thought it was time that I tried my new Starboard slalom foil which has a 6.50 front wing, a 255 tail wing with a 105 fuselage to see if I could gain a few knots??? There was plenty of water when I launched around 9.30 as I nervously set off having never foiled with anything this small before! I reached the wind line and found the 5.2 I had rigged was maybe a fraction too small, I think you need to be powered up with a small foil, it is harder to get flying and at first I found it hard to keep it flying as it bumped down hard several times but as the session progressed I got better and by being gentle I could ease it into the air and after a few runs was going OK and was surprised I could gybe it OK. At this point there was not enough wind to sail down the river towards the docks so did short runs in front of the marina just sussing things out, the big rolling swell running down the river did not help but I could get upwind OK when the gusts came through but it was up and down. It is definitely not as solid underfoot as my big foil but after a couple of hours as long as the wind was up I got used to it. I then headed back down river and with some constant wind I had a few cracking long runs down to Felixstowe docks where the water was super smooth and I was getting used to keeping the foil flying during the lulls by bearing off, then heading back up when the gusts returned! I did breach once when pushing too hard but really enjoyed trying the smaller foil, it did feel faster and I was pleased to break 20 max, get a top 18 knot mile and always nice to get a 19 knot average with loads of room to improve! I did get 4 year PB’s best mile, 10 sec run, 250 m run and 500 m run and sailed over 27 miles, just me and the odd yacht! The last run back was particularly patchy so it was time to call it a day and head in, pack up, shower and home by 1.30:) the only thing lacking was some sunshine!
Then a nice afternoon visiting as the rain arrived we got wet walking home, then had to do a big shop before we could relax at home with a hot water bottle, we know how to live! Hope to go to the Stour tomorrow with the wind from the NE!

Photo Album here

Toys Used:
Starboard  Freeride Foil 150
Tushingham Storm 5.25
MK CPX carbon 150/210
Starboard Evolution Slalom 105 - 650 - 255 - 95



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